We’re Alive!

Hello guys,

A couple of months have passed, but let me assure you that we’re close to releasing The Descent. As I predicted, our designer failed and we failed to meet our January release date. Then other things came up and we had to stop development entirely. The good news is that we’re releasing between May and June, no excuses. We’re working with a new designer who is producing quality work at a fast rate. Be ready! It’s just around the corner. You’re going to love this game!

Another Status Update of The Descent

Had a great meeting with our graphic designer yesterday. He got pretty excited and pumped up when he played the game and got a feeling from it I’m sure will help him on his work. But the most important thing is that he’s commited for the early next year release. I’m hoping it’s true, our last two designers have been very unreliable.

In other news, Tiogus is finally checking for bugs and sharing input on the game.

All is well, we’re on schedule and very happy to share this game with you guys very soon.

Status of The Descent

After almost two months of development, I’m happy and excited to announce that we are on schedule to release our iOS game (code named The Descent) early next year, hopefully on January. All the gameplay features are done. We’re going into beta phase right now. We’ll be polishing things up, balancing the game, and incorporating updated graphics stuff (we’ll have to push our designer hard).

As always, thanks for your support! You’ll be hearing a lot from us in the following weeks. Don’t forget to leave a comment below if you want to be part of the beta. Thanks again!